ONLY on next Sunday, the mass and the benediction will take place at a special location - 'IRIYA Hall 3F' near Iriya/Uguisudani/Ueno Stations.
住所: 東京都台東区入谷1-27-4
会場の名前:プラーズ入谷3階 『入谷ホール3F』
( 南北に走る昭和通り(国道4号)の東側にある、「加瀬の貸し会議室」という黄色い看板のついた11階建のビルの3階)
地下鉄日比谷線入谷駅では 目黒方面行の側の出口「竜泉方面改札」から出ると、駅構内はおよそ徒歩6分、地上にでてからおよそ1分。
JR鶯谷駅では 南改札口を利用して南口から出ると駅と線路の南側に出るが、出口から左に曲がって陸橋を渡ると広い言問通りに出る。そのまま歩いていくと 昭和通り(西側)に出る。電車を降りてからおよそ16分。
なお、会場の床面は コンクリートの上に薄いカーペット敷きの可能性があります。床面が硬くて、跪きに困難な方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。クッション性のある敷物等をご持参することをお勧めします。
Explanations for the next Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020
1. Special location ONLY for the next Sunday, Feb. 9
1-a. ONLY on next Sunday, the mass and the benediction will take place at a special location - 'IRIYA Hall 3F' near Iriya/Uguisudani/Ueno Stations.
1-b. Please remember to bring home with you a piece of paper which has the access information to the special mass location and a map.
2. Mass and benediction on Feb. 9
2-a. The celebrant will be Fr Onoda and the mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. as usual, followed by the benediction.
2-b. However, as the location is new to all of us, we would like to advise you to arrive there a bit earlier than usual.
2-c. We were told there would be 66 chairs in the room - we usually have less than 60 people attending the Sunday mass, including small children, but please excuse us if we should run out of chairs...
2-d. As the room we will use is essentially a conference room, it has a hard floor - carpeted concrete - and not tatami. If you think you might have a problem kneeling there, please bring some towel or cushion with you.
ONLY on next Sunday, the mass and the benediction will take place at a special location - 'IRIYA Hall 3F' near Iriya/Uguisudani/Ueno Stations.
住所: 東京都台東区入谷1-27-4
会場の名前:プラーズ入谷3階 『入谷ホール3F』
( 南北に走る昭和通り(国道4号)の東側にある、「加瀬の貸し会議室」という黄色い看板のついた11階建のビルの3階)
地下鉄日比谷線入谷駅では 目黒方面行の側の出口「竜泉方面改札」から出ると、駅構内はおよそ徒歩6分、地上にでてからおよそ1分。
JR鶯谷駅では 南改札口を利用して南口から出ると駅と線路の南側に出るが、出口から左に曲がって陸橋を渡ると広い言問通りに出る。そのまま歩いていくと 昭和通り(西側)に出る。電車を降りてからおよそ16分。
なお、会場の床面は コンクリートの上に薄いカーペット敷きの可能性があります。床面が硬くて、跪きに困難な方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。クッション性のある敷物等をご持参することをお勧めします。
Explanations for the next Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020
1. Special location ONLY for the next Sunday, Feb. 9
1-a. ONLY on next Sunday, the mass and the benediction will take place at a special location - 'IRIYA Hall 3F' near Iriya/Uguisudani/Ueno Stations.
1-b. Please remember to bring home with you a piece of paper which has the access information to the special mass location and a map.
2. Mass and benediction on Feb. 9
2-a. The celebrant will be Fr Onoda and the mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. as usual, followed by the benediction.
2-b. However, as the location is new to all of us, we would like to advise you to arrive there a bit earlier than usual.
2-c. We were told there would be 66 chairs in the room - we usually have less than 60 people attending the Sunday mass, including small children, but please excuse us if we should run out of chairs...
2-d. As the room we will use is essentially a conference room, it has a hard floor - carpeted concrete - and not tatami. If you think you might have a problem kneeling there, please bring some towel or cushion with you.