聖ヨゼフの特別聖年の全贖宥について、再びお知らせいたします。教会に対する聖ヨゼフの保護の普遍性を再確認するために、上記に加えて、内赦院は、聖ヨゼフに敬意を表して正当に承認された祈りや敬虔な行為を唱える信徒に、全贖宥を与えます。 例えば「聖会の保護者聖ヨゼフに向う祈」(公教会祈祷文248ページ)、特に3月19日と5月1日の祝日、イエズス・マリア・ヨゼフの聖家族の祝日、聖ヨゼフの主日(ビザンチン典礼の場合)、毎月19日、毎週水曜日(ラテン典礼の場合)詳しくは次のリンクをご覧下さい。
Saint Joseph Proclaimed Patron Saint of the Universal Church - FSSPX.Actualités / FSSPX.NewsAs God appointed Joseph, son of the Patriarch Jacob, over all the land of Egypt to store up corn for the people, so, when the fullness of time was come, and He was about to send to earth His only-begotten Son, the Savior of the world, He chose another Joseph, of whom the first had been the type, and He made him Lord and Ruler of His household and possessions, the Guardian of His greatest treasures. And Joseph espoused the Immaculate Virgin Mary, of whom was born by the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ our Lord, who deigned to be reputed before men as the Son of Joseph and was subject to him.
Saint Joseph Proclaimed Patron Saint of the Universal Church - FSSPX.Actualités / FSSPX.News
聖ヨゼフの特別聖年の全贖宥について、再びお知らせいたします。教会に対する聖ヨゼフの保護の普遍性を再確認するために、上記に加えて、内赦院は、聖ヨゼフに敬意を表して正当に承認された祈りや敬虔な行為を唱える信徒に、全贖宥を与えます。 例えば「聖会の保護者聖ヨゼフに向う祈」(公教会祈祷文248ページ)、特に3月19日と5月1日の祝日、イエズス・マリア・ヨゼフの聖家族の祝日、聖ヨゼフの主日(ビザンチン典礼の場合)、毎月19日、毎週水曜日(ラテン典礼の場合)詳しくは次のリンクをご覧下さい。
Saint Joseph Proclaimed Patron Saint of the Universal Church - FSSPX.Actualités / FSSPX.NewsAs God appointed Joseph, son of the Patriarch Jacob, over all the land of Egypt to store up corn for the people, so, when the fullness of time was come, and He was about to send to earth His only-begotten Son, the Savior of the world, He chose another Joseph, of whom the first had been the type, and He made him Lord and Ruler of His household and possessions, the Guardian of His greatest treasures. And Joseph espoused the Immaculate Virgin Mary, of whom was born by the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ our Lord, who deigned to be reputed before men as the Son of Joseph and was subject to him.
Saint Joseph Proclaimed Patron Saint of the Universal Church - FSSPX.Actualités / FSSPX.News