
【東京では、次回の03月20日(日)だけ特別に、神田須田町ホール3階で主日ミサが捧げられます。ご注意ください。地図 】
【大阪】「聖ピオ十世会 聖母の汚れなき御心聖堂」 大阪府大阪市淀川区東三国4丁目10-2 EG新御堂4階 〒532-0002 (アクセス)JR「新大阪駅」の東口より徒歩10-15分、地下鉄御堂筋線「東三国駅」より徒歩2-3分(地図)
03月18日(金) 18:00 ミサ聖祭(四旬節の金曜日はミサの後に十字架の道行があります)
03月19日(土) 10:30 ミサ聖祭
03月20日(日) 09:45 ロザリオ及び告解 10:30 ミサ聖祭
このビルは、1階に「AQUOS Watersports」の店があるビルと、「Kanda Cross」ビルの間にあるビルです。奥のエレベーターで3階においでください。】
09:00 ミサ聖祭 歌ミサ(ライブ中継をいたします)Facebook live
11:00 ミサ聖祭 読誦ミサ
12:30 ミサ聖祭 読誦ミサ
場所:愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅南1-3-14 石原ビル6階日時:3月27日(日) 16:30 ロザリオ及び告解 17:30(午後5時半) ミサ聖祭 場所は松屋の入っているビルの6階です。
松屋 納屋橋店 · 〒450-0003 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅南1丁目3−14 石原ビル 1F
第16回聖ピオ十世会日本公式秋田巡礼2022を開催します - 聖ピオ十世会日本 秋田巡礼 SSPXJAPAN PILGRIMAGE TO AKITA
Ave Maria Immaculata!
My dearest Brethren!
I would like to reconfirm the Mass schedule for Sunday, March 13th, 2022.
*****Mass times in Tokyo:*****
March 20th (Sunday)
09:00 - Sung mass Facebook live
11:00 - Low mass
12:30 - Low mass
It would help us maintain proper social distancing if you could consider spreading your mass attendance among the three masses.
Mass location: Special mass location on the following Sunday, March 20
We are scheduled to have masses at another new location near JR Kanda Station.
Address: Kase Building 173 3F, 1-24-21, Kanda-Sudachô, Chiyoda-ku
It is on the 3nd floor of the building, with yellow signs as in the photo, located
on the east side of the wide north-south street called ʻChûô-dôriʼ, a 5-minute
walk northward from JR Kanda Station East Exit. This building is between the
building that houses ʻAQUOS Watersportsʼ and ʻKanda Crossʼ Building. Please
use the elevator inside to come to the 3F.
Special Mass Location (Kanda-Sudachô Hall 3F)-20220320-v01.pdf
*****Mass schedule in OSAKA:*****
Fri, March 11th : Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 18:00
Sat, March 12th : Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 10:30
Sun, March 13th : Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 10:30
*****Holy Masses at Stella Matutina Priory*****
On weekdays (Monday to Friday), holy Masses are offered at 7:15 am at the Priory.
On Saturdays, normally the Mass will be offered at the priory from 11am.
On March 17th, there will be two Masses at the Priory: 7:15 AM and 11:00 AM.
On March 21st, there will be two Masses at the Priory: 7:15 AM and 11:00 AM.
*****Mass schedule in NAGOYA: [Last Sunday of the month] *****
Sun, March 27th : Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 17:30
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Akita (May 1st - 5th, 2022)
OGPイメージInvitation to the 16th Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Akita: May 1st to 5th, 2022 - Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた