Channel: Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた
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預言者シメオンの役を勤めた福者ヘンリコ・スソー(Blessed Henry Suso, Heinrich Seuse, (Henricus Suso) [1295-1366]


 聖母がエルサレムの外門に来られると、ヘンリコは立ちあがって、天主を愛する多くの霊魂たちと共に聖母を迎えに行った。聖堂の入り口へ行き、丁度そこに聖母が御子を携えて聖堂に入ろうとするのに出会ったかのようにして、聖母の名誉のために歌うので暫く停ってそれを聞いて下さいとお願いし、心の中で霊的に「インヴィオラタ」の讃辞を歌って申し上げ「ただ御身のみ汚れなき者としてとどまり給えり(Quae sola inviolata permansisti)」と云う句に達すると聖母に向って「哀れな罪に満ちた者(自分のこと)を憐れんで下さい」と願った。それから立上って、霊的に灯ったロウソクを手にして聖母のお伴をして祭壇の方へ進んだ。

Inviolata, integra et casta es, Maria,
Quae es effecta fulgida coeli porta.
O Mater alma Christi carissima:
Suscipe pia laudum praeconia.
Te nunc flagitant devota corda et ora:
Nostra ut pura pectora sint et corpora,
Tua per precata dulcisona:
Nobis concedas veniam per saecula.
O benigna! O Regina! O Maria!
Quae sola inviolata permansisti.

 聖母が自分の心にともされた天主の光と愛のこの炎が決して消されることがないように願いつつ、この神秘的行列にお伴する諸聖人に向って、自分と一緒に「アドルナ・タラムム(Adorna thalamum tuum)」を歌った。この「アドルナ・タラムム」は、御浄めの祝日にミサの前に、ロウソクの行列をしながら歌うグレゴリオ聖歌である。

Adorna thalamum tuum, Sion, et suscipe Regem Christum:
amplectere Mariam, quae est coelestis porta:
ipsa enim portat Regem gloriae novi luminis.
Subsistit Virgo adducens manibus Filium ante luciferum genitum:
quem accipiens Simeon in ulnas suas praedicavit populis Dominum eum,
esse vitae et mortis, et Salvatorem mundi.


【これは、渡辺 吉徳 (著)「ロザリオの信心 」(1980年)に掲載されている記事に、加筆編集したものです。】

The Life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself.
Creator(s): Seuse, Heinrich (or Suso, Heinrich) [1295-1366]


How he kept the feast of Candlemas.
FOR three days before our Lady's feast of Candlemas, he used to get ready with prayer a candle for the heavenly Mother; and he formed the candle of three twisted tapers in this manner:--The first taper was in token of her stainless and virginal purity; the second, of her unfathomable humility; and the third, of her maternal dignity;--three prerogatives which are hers alone above all creatures. And he made ready this spiritual candle every day with three magnificats. Now when the day of the blessing of the candles was come, he went early in the morning, before any one had gone into the church, to the high altar, and waited there in contemplation the coming of the august Mother with her heavenly treasure. When she drew nigh the outer gate of the city, he ran to meet her with the multitude of all souls that love God, and he outran them all with the longings of his heart. Then running in front of her in the street, he prayed her to tarry a while with her attendants until he had sung something in her honour. Thereupon, with a spiritual voice less melody, so that his lips moved, but no one heard him, he began to sing as lovingly as he could the prose, "Inviolata," &c. (O spotless one, &c.), and he bowed himself down before her as he sang, "O benigna, O benigna!" (O gracious one! O gracious one!) and he prayed her to show forth her gracious kindliness to wards a poor sinner. Then rising up, he followed her with his spiritual candle in the desire that she would never permit the burning flame of divine light to be extinguished in him. After this, on coming up to the multitude of all-loving souls, he began to sing "Adorna thalamum," &c. (Make ready the bridal bed, &c.), and he called upon them to receive the Saviour with love, and fervently to embrace His Mother; and thus he led them with songs of praise as far as the temple. Then drawing near to the Mother before she entered in and gave the Saviour to Simeon, he knelt down in front of her, and with uplifted hands and eyes prayed her to show him the Child, and to suffer him also to kiss It. When she kindly offered It to him, he spread out his arms to the boundless quarters of the wide world, and received and embraced the Beloved One a thousand times in one hour. He contemplated Its beautiful little eyes; he looked upon Its little hands; he kissed Its tender little mouth; and he gazed again and again at all the infant members of the heavenly treasure. Then lifting up his eyes, he uttered a cry of amazement in his heart that He who bears up the heavens is so great and yet so small, so beautiful in heaven and so childlike upon earth; and as the Divine Infant moved him so did he act towards It,--now singing, now weeping, with other spiritual exercises, until at last he gave It back to Its Mother, and, going in with her into the temple, remained there till all was fully accomplished.

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