★Dr.リガヤ・アコスタ 講演会
岐部ホール 404号室※聖イグナチオ教会となり
◎英語‐日本語逐次通訳付き ◎入場無料(自由献金)
聖イグナチオ教会 英語の賛美の集い、信仰の分かち合いグループ共催
問合せ: 聖イグナチオ教会 英語センター03-3264-4576
講演会テーマ Theme of the Talk:
Dr. Ligaya Acosta リガヤ・アコスタ博士
Human Life International アジア・オセアニア地域ディレクター
Asia-Oceania Regional Director of Human Life International (HLI)
フィリピン保健省に長年勤務、2004年に「自然な家族計画」の研修を受けたことをきっかけに、それまで信じ進めてきた避妊など産児制限の対策、人口過剰の神話の深刻な誤り、偽りに気づく。大きな回心を経験し、現在は生命尊重pro-life、家庭の価値を広めるため Human Life International のメンバーとして活動、フィリピン国内や世界各地に招かれ、若者、家族、神学生・司祭、修道者などさまざまな聴衆のために講演を行う。
Human Life International
Talk by Dr. Ligaya Acosta
Pro-Life Activism: Call of the Times
〜On Sunday July 8, 2018 2:30 pm~
At Room 404 Kibe Hall Adjacent to St. Ignatius Church
*The talk will be in English with Japanese translation.
*Free donations accepted
*Everyone is welcome!
Hosted by Praise&Worship and Faith Sharing Group,
John de Britto English Center, St.Ignatius Church Tel. 03-3263-4576
"Pro-Life Activism: Call of the Times"
- a talk that inspires/elicits more dedication and commitment to the pro-life cause, and enable them to gain more understanding on the evils of contraception and abortion and the global anti-life agenda......includes a sharing of my own personal conversion from being rabidly pro-choice to being staunchly pro-life.
Dr. Ligaya Acosta
Human Life International
Asia-Oceania Regional Director of Human Life International (HLI)
Dr. Acosta worked many years at Department of Health in the Philippines. Her life changed when she was designated as Program Manager for Natural Family Planning in early 2004, where she first trained with the U.S. based Family of the Americas Foundation. Here, she discovered the deadly deception of contraceptives and sterilization and the myth of overpopulation. She experienced a major conversion which led her to become a staunch pro-life activist. As Regional Director of HLI, Dr. Acosta travels in the Philippines and around the world to give talks to various audiences, young people, families, religious and clergy.
Human Life International
HLI is an international pro-life organization recognized by the Holy See. It promotes values of life and family, organizing conferences, talks, production of media resources.
Dr. Ligaya will march with us on July 16.
★Dr.リガヤ・アコスタ 講演会
岐部ホール 404号室※聖イグナチオ教会となり
◎英語‐日本語逐次通訳付き ◎入場無料(自由献金)
聖イグナチオ教会 英語の賛美の集い、信仰の分かち合いグループ共催
問合せ: 聖イグナチオ教会 英語センター03-3264-4576
講演会テーマ Theme of the Talk:

Dr. Ligaya Acosta リガヤ・アコスタ博士
Human Life International アジア・オセアニア地域ディレクター
Asia-Oceania Regional Director of Human Life International (HLI)
フィリピン保健省に長年勤務、2004年に「自然な家族計画」の研修を受けたことをきっかけに、それまで信じ進めてきた避妊など産児制限の対策、人口過剰の神話の深刻な誤り、偽りに気づく。大きな回心を経験し、現在は生命尊重pro-life、家庭の価値を広めるため Human Life International のメンバーとして活動、フィリピン国内や世界各地に招かれ、若者、家族、神学生・司祭、修道者などさまざまな聴衆のために講演を行う。
Human Life International
Talk by Dr. Ligaya Acosta
Pro-Life Activism: Call of the Times
〜On Sunday July 8, 2018 2:30 pm~
At Room 404 Kibe Hall Adjacent to St. Ignatius Church
*The talk will be in English with Japanese translation.
*Free donations accepted
*Everyone is welcome!
Hosted by Praise&Worship and Faith Sharing Group,
John de Britto English Center, St.Ignatius Church Tel. 03-3263-4576
"Pro-Life Activism: Call of the Times"
- a talk that inspires/elicits more dedication and commitment to the pro-life cause, and enable them to gain more understanding on the evils of contraception and abortion and the global anti-life agenda......includes a sharing of my own personal conversion from being rabidly pro-choice to being staunchly pro-life.
Dr. Ligaya Acosta
Human Life International
Asia-Oceania Regional Director of Human Life International (HLI)
Dr. Acosta worked many years at Department of Health in the Philippines. Her life changed when she was designated as Program Manager for Natural Family Planning in early 2004, where she first trained with the U.S. based Family of the Americas Foundation. Here, she discovered the deadly deception of contraceptives and sterilization and the myth of overpopulation. She experienced a major conversion which led her to become a staunch pro-life activist. As Regional Director of HLI, Dr. Acosta travels in the Philippines and around the world to give talks to various audiences, young people, families, religious and clergy.
Human Life International
HLI is an international pro-life organization recognized by the Holy See. It promotes values of life and family, organizing conferences, talks, production of media resources.
Dr. Ligaya will march with us on July 16.