Channel: Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた
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Message for March for Life in Tokyo 2019 : 16:00, Monday July 15th, from Tsukiji Catholic Church

Ave Maria Immaculata!

We invite all of you to the 2019 March for Life, which will begin at the Tsukiji Catholic Church at 4 PM on Monday, July 15th, and end at Hibiya Park in Tokyo. We pray that many people can join us!

For our little babies,
For the mothers and couples having babies,
For the Catholic Church’s position on life,
For the day of our last Judgment,
For the prosperity of our country,
For building a culture of life,

Please join us at the March for Life!

My Dearest Brethren,

We invite all of you to the 2019 March for Life, which will begin at the Tsukiji Catholic Church at 4 PM on Monday, July 15th, and end at Hibiya Park in Tokyo. July 15th is also Marine Day, a public holiday in Japan, so we pray that many people can join us.

We invite you because many of us in Japan are not aware of the fact that a fetus in his or her mother's womb is a human being. Many innocent babies are murdered every day due to this ignorance.

Recently, we were shocked to learn of several sad news stories of the maltreatment and even death of small children at the hands of their parents here in Japan.

And a few weeks ago, on Easter Sunday, many died in a terrorist attack in Sri Lanka. Even a Japanese was killed. We never allow terrorism to destroy innocent lives.

However, even right now, what should be the safest place for a baby—the womb—is being attacked and babies are being murdered in Japan. Many do not realize this shocking fact.

Thousands of Japanese babies are maltreated and killed, in fact, by their parents, although the mass media does not report these atrocities.

The March for Life is a manifestation of these innocent babies' S.O.S. in the form of prayers. We pray on behalf of these victim babies who cannot make their own voices heard.

We invite you to join us at the March for Life because we want to bring a message of hope to pregnant mothers and couples having babies. There are innumerable persons who have committed abortion out of ignorance but who later learned the truth. These mothers, parents, nurses, and doctors are now joining Marches for Life in cities throughout the world.

For instance, Bernard Nathanson was a medical doctor who promoted abortion. Nonetheless, as soon as he realized that a fetus is a living human being, he became an anti-abortion pro-lifer.

Or, in another recent example, Abby Johnson used to be a Planned Parenthood employee and an outspoken defender of abortion. One day, however, she became aware of evil of abortion and in 2009 became pro-life. The movie "Unplanned" was made and released in 2019 based on the real story of her conversion.

By taking part in the March for Life, we show our support for our brothers and sisters and tell the truth that we are all weak sinners and that God is merciful.

We want to encourage and comfort mothers and see their and their babies’ beautiful smiles!

We also want to be a witness to the truth that we cannot take innocent life. Only God the Creator is the Master of Life. Babies cannot resist assaults against them, which makes it all the more important that they be protected.

We invite you to march with us because it is a medical and scientific fact that a human being starts to exist at the moment of conception. This is also the teaching of the Catholic Church. Therefore, we must respect life from the very moment of conception.

The more we know about the existence of the merciful and loving God Who gives us life, the more we are bound to respect this gift of life.

Bringing up children, many children, demands lots of sacrifice from parents. However, our Catholic Faith tells us that we should neither restrict nor refuse, for financial reasons, a life given by God. As Our Lord taught us that God feeds even the birds of the skies, He will certainly take care of us who trust in His mercy. Having many babies will give us a happiness and joy which money cannot buy.

We invite you to March for Life because of the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He taught us that at the last Judgment we will be told:

"Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (...) Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me."

By these words, we know that if we protect the life of the smallest babies, we are promised the eternal reward of Heaven.

On the contrary, if we do not do so, we will hear the following words from the mouth of the Supreme Judge:

"Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me not to eat: I was thirsty, and you gave me not to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me not in: naked, and you covered me not: sick and in prison, and you did not visit me. (...) Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me."

We invite you also because of love of our own country. Abortion and contraception are the suicide of a nation. They are the shame of a civilized country. But children are the bright future of Japan. We want to give to our future children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren as their inheritance our beautiful land so blessed by nature, this peaceful and safe country, courteous and orderly society, our civilization and wealth. There is no future without children.

However, the reality is that, according to recent statistics, the equivalent of an entire major city disappeared from Japan’s population last year. The crisis of the downfall of Japan is imminent. Japan is about to disappear from the surface of the earth. The people of Japan are dwindling precipitously in number.

We invite you to March because of Life. A society that respects the life of little children also respects the life of the aged. Such a society is built on a culture of life. A society that despises the smallest life as a burden, likewise, would not allow old or handicapped or sick people to live. This is precisely what happened under Nazism. It is a culture of death. We want to build a Culture of Life in our Japanese society.

Therefore, please join us at the March for Life! We will depart from Tsukiji Catholic Church at 4 PM on Marine day, Monday July 15th, 2019, and end our March in Hibiya Park across town.

For our little babies,

For the mothers and couples having babies,

For the Catholic Church’s position on life,

For the day of our last Judgment,

For the prosperity of our country,

For building a culture of life,

We invite you to March for Life.

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