Ave Maria Immaculata!
My dearest Brethren!
The schedule and the location of the upcoming Easter Sunday masses in Tokyo will be the following:
Mass times in Tokyo:
09:00 - Sung mass11:00 - Low mass12:30 - Low mass
Mass location:
Iriya Hall 3FAddress: Plars Iriya 3F, 1-27-4, Iriya, Taito-ku, Tokyo (near Metro Iriya, JR Uguisudani and JR Ueno stations)Map and directions: Please see the pdf file.Special Mass Location-0412.pdf
Read also:- Attention ! Easter Sunday Mass in Tokyo.
- Explanations for the next Sunday, April 12, 2020AveMariaImmaculata!MydearestBrethren!NextSunday,theEastermasswilltakeplaceataspeciallocation-'IRIYAHall'nearIriya/Uguisudani/UenoStations.SpecialMassLocation-0412.pdfAveMariaImmaculata!MydearestBrethren!ExplanationsforthenextSunday,April12,20201.SpeciallocationforthemeasurestakenduetoCoronavirus.1-a.Three(3)masseswilltakeplaceataspeciallocation-'IRIYAHall'ne...ExplanationsforthenextSunday,April12,2020
It would be great if you can attend the 12:30 mass, or if not, the 09:00 mass, so that the number of faithful will bedistributed as evenly as possible among the three masses and we can thereby maintain proper social distancing.
Barring unforeseen events, but by grace of God and with the help of Our Lady, after completing the Holy Week ceremonies in Osaka, I will travel from Osaka to Tokyo on Sunday morning, offer three masses in Tokyo and then return to Osaka to offer another Easter Sunday mass for the faithful there. 😊☺️💪
These are the links for those of you who wish to watch the Holy Week masses and liturgies live on the internet:
DECREE In time of Covid-19 (II)(...) The faithful should be informed of the beginning times of the celebrations so that they can prayerfully unite themselves in their homes. Means of live (not recorded) telematic broadcasts can be of help. In any event it remains important to dedicate an adequate time to prayer, giving importance above all to the Liturgia Horarum. Decree - In time of Covid-19 (II) (25 March 2020)
1. SSPX Japan Youtube channelYouTube SSPX Japan
Liturgical schedule of Osaka: April 10: Holy Thursdaymass: 18:00
April 10: - Good Friday Matines and Lauds at 9:00Stations of the Cross at 15:00Liturgical Action at 18:00.
April 11: Holy SaturdayMatines and Lauds at 9:00 Easter Vigil at 18:30
April 12: Easter Sunday Mass at 18:00
April 13: Mass at 6:00
Current schedule for live streaming from Osaka:- Holy Thursday mass: 18:00- Good Friday liturgy: 18:00- Holy Saturday mass: 18:30Through SSPX Japan Youtube channelYouTube SSPX Japan
2. Facebook live https://www.facebook.com/arata.nunobe
Current schedule for live streaming from Tokyo:- Easter Sunday mass: 09:00
We wish you a fruitful remainder of the Holy Week. Please pray that as many people as possible may be able to attend, either physically or remotely, all the Holy Week masses and liturgies.
My dearest Brethren!
The schedule and the location of the upcoming Easter Sunday masses in Tokyo will be the following:
Mass times in Tokyo:
09:00 - Sung mass11:00 - Low mass12:30 - Low mass
Mass location:
Iriya Hall 3FAddress: Plars Iriya 3F, 1-27-4, Iriya, Taito-ku, Tokyo (near Metro Iriya, JR Uguisudani and JR Ueno stations)Map and directions: Please see the pdf file.Special Mass Location-0412.pdf
Read also:- Attention ! Easter Sunday Mass in Tokyo.
- Explanations for the next Sunday, April 12, 2020AveMariaImmaculata!MydearestBrethren!NextSunday,theEastermasswilltakeplaceataspeciallocation-'IRIYAHall'nearIriya/Uguisudani/UenoStations.SpecialMassLocation-0412.pdfAveMariaImmaculata!MydearestBrethren!ExplanationsforthenextSunday,April12,20201.SpeciallocationforthemeasurestakenduetoCoronavirus.1-a.Three(3)masseswilltakeplaceataspeciallocation-'IRIYAHall'ne...ExplanationsforthenextSunday,April12,2020
It would be great if you can attend the 12:30 mass, or if not, the 09:00 mass, so that the number of faithful will bedistributed as evenly as possible among the three masses and we can thereby maintain proper social distancing.
Barring unforeseen events, but by grace of God and with the help of Our Lady, after completing the Holy Week ceremonies in Osaka, I will travel from Osaka to Tokyo on Sunday morning, offer three masses in Tokyo and then return to Osaka to offer another Easter Sunday mass for the faithful there. 😊☺️💪
These are the links for those of you who wish to watch the Holy Week masses and liturgies live on the internet:
DECREE In time of Covid-19 (II)(...) The faithful should be informed of the beginning times of the celebrations so that they can prayerfully unite themselves in their homes. Means of live (not recorded) telematic broadcasts can be of help. In any event it remains important to dedicate an adequate time to prayer, giving importance above all to the Liturgia Horarum. Decree - In time of Covid-19 (II) (25 March 2020)
1. SSPX Japan Youtube channelYouTube SSPX Japan
Liturgical schedule of Osaka: April 10: Holy Thursdaymass: 18:00
April 10: - Good Friday Matines and Lauds at 9:00Stations of the Cross at 15:00Liturgical Action at 18:00.
April 11: Holy SaturdayMatines and Lauds at 9:00 Easter Vigil at 18:30
April 12: Easter Sunday Mass at 18:00
April 13: Mass at 6:00
Current schedule for live streaming from Osaka:- Holy Thursday mass: 18:00- Good Friday liturgy: 18:00- Holy Saturday mass: 18:30Through SSPX Japan Youtube channelYouTube SSPX Japan
2. Facebook live https://www.facebook.com/arata.nunobe
Current schedule for live streaming from Tokyo:- Easter Sunday mass: 09:00
We wish you a fruitful remainder of the Holy Week. Please pray that as many people as possible may be able to attend, either physically or remotely, all the Holy Week masses and liturgies.