Channel: Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた
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真の巡礼の一つ一つは、天主のお恵みの巨大な源泉です---2016年長崎秋田巡礼について シュテーリン神父様










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Dear pilgrims!
Each true pilgrimage is an immense fountain of divine graces: Our Lord rewards abundantly those who leave their homes and make important sacrifices to visit the privileged places of His infinite Mercy. These places are chosen by Him, to bring us closer to the eternal light, to free us from the snares of the devil and gives us strength in our fight with the powers of darkness. The choice of these places and the dates of the divine interventions are often astonishing: it seems, that in the very epicenter of the spiritual atom bomb of the present heresies and anti-christian powers God wants to plant a garden of incredible flowers of graces. So he did in Paris 1830, when the whole city and country underwent the terrible socialist revolution, Our Lady appeared to Saint Catherine Laboure to give her the Miraculous Medal. So he did in 1917, when the October Revolution in Russia was the beginning of the communist terror, she appeared in Fatima in Portugal in a moment, when the whole country was dominated by the Freemasons.

When we think about Japan, we also state the sad realities of materialism and paganism dominating the country. However, the Divine Providence did chose this country as a source of innumerable graces for the whole world. In a very modest convent in Akita there is a very modest and simple wooden statue of Our Lady. From this statue came and come out living waters of graces and mercy to all those who approach Our Lady: the waters come to us as TEARS. This means, they are the fruits of incredible sufferings. And the message of Akita is a message of the MOTHER, who wants to save her beloved children from the fires of hell, from the temptations of our times.

Our pilgrimage this year will be a little jubilee: it is the 10th time that we come to the Immaculata to gather spiritually in our hearts those living waters, which must penetrate us entirely. They must penetrate our intelligence, so that we may not err in the troubles of our times, but hold firmly our traditional catholic faith against all modernism, ecumenism and other heresies. They must penetrate our hearts to fill us with horror and aversion towards sin and with an always greater love towards the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. They must penetrate our senses to control them and make them faithful servants of the Truth and the Good. They must penetrate all our actions, our family life, our duties of state, everything - to fulfil the great commandment of God (Love of God and the neighbor) always and everywhere.

In order to be well prepared to receive such an immense river of graces from the Sacred Heart through Our Lady of Akita, we will start our pilgrimage in Nagasaki: we implore the assistance of the martyrs of Japan, who gave their life for the One true Faith amongst horrible tortures; we will contemplate the work of one of the greatest Marian Saints in the whole history, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and finally we also want to revive in our hearts the catastrophe of the atom bomb which fell on that city in 1945: but we will meditate this horrible event not with the eyes of the world, but with the eyes of the faith under the wonderful guidance of the outstanding witness and victim of this event, Dr. Paul Takashi Nagai.

Immense graces wait for us, dear pilgrims. As we are in the holy year of the Divine Mercy, we want to profit from this pilgrimage to discover the true dimension of the DIVINE MERCY, which is the very contrary from that we hear almost everyday coming from the mouths of those, who should give us the bread of Truth, but fill us with hard stones of the worst of errors abusing the most holy words and realities ( Divine Love, Divine Mercy etc.) .

And because Our Lady is the MOTHER OF MERCY, we want to have this pilgrimage joint with a spiritual retreat considering the mystery of the Immaculata in the light of the Divine Mercy. We will discover Her in a much deeper manner than before, and after the pilgrimage our love and thanksgiving to have such a MOTHER will fill our life with joy and consolation inmidst the dark hours of our times.

May I ask you to prepare this pilgrimage in reading as much as you can all the texts we publish on the Militia Immaculatae Asia website www.militia-immaculate.asia , especially on Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the Militia Immaculatae etc.

These spiritual lectures will help you very much to enter the spirit of Mary, to become more and more disposed to the many graces of love and mercy Our Lady desires SO MUCH to give you during the pilgrimage.

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