Channel: Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた
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「ロザリオについて」聖なるロザリオの神秘と黙想:聖ピオ十世会司祭 レネー神父様




2016年10月9日 聖霊降臨後の第21主日―大阪 お説教「ロザリオについて」

十月はロザリオの月です。特に今月は、聖なるロザリオを唱えることを励ますのが教会の習わしです。教会は、今月毎日ロザリオを祈る習慣を持つことで、信者がこの聖なる習慣を一年中続けることができるよう望んでいます! 教皇レオ十三世はこの信心を励まし、多くの贖宥を与えましたが、この信心はレオ十三世よりもずっと前からあるものです。


ファチマの三人の子どもたちが、彼らが見た美しい婦人にその名前を尋ねたとき、婦人は「私はいとも聖なるロザリオの婦人です」と答えました。ファチマの何回かのご出現は、一九一七年十月十三日の有名な奇蹟で頂点に達し、このことは、聖なるロザリオへの信心をさらに広めました。では、教会がこの信心をそれほど強く勧めているのはなぜなのでしょうか? 天主ご自身が、この信心を通じた奇蹟を起こしてまでこの信心をお勧めになるのはなぜなのでしょうか? それは、聖なるロザリオが、キリスト教的完徳を獲得し、私たちの霊魂を救うための素晴らしい手段であるからです!





さて、私たちの主イエズス・キリストのご托身を観想すること、そして特に主のご復活の神秘に一致するため、主のご受難と死の神秘を観想すること、これがロザリオのすべてです! その聖なる御母以上に私たちの主イエズス・キリストを理解した人はこれまで誰もいませんでした。聖母はこれらの偉大なる真理を観想、黙想なさいました。まさに福音書がこう証言しています。「マリアは注意深くそのことを心にとどめて考え続けた」(ルカ2章19節)。ですから、これらの偉大なる真理の正しい理解を私たちが見いだすのは、聖母の汚れなき御心においてなのです。聖母の汚れなき御心が、聖母が非常に深い段階にまで獲得されたその理解を私たちに与えてくださるのです。



実際、お告げが示しているのは、天主が人間を気にかけてくださっていることです。私たちをお造りになった天主は、アダムの罪ののち私たちをお見捨てにならずに、救い主を送るという約束をしてくださり、その約束をお告げの日に実現させてくださいました。その福音書の一節は何と美しいことでしょうか! この第一玄義においては、すべてが聖で、すべてが清く、すべてが愛。年若い少女の前での天使の謙遜。天主の御母として選ばれてすぐ、主の奴隷、はしためとしてご自分を奉献した少女の謙遜。最後に、マリアの子となり、「奴隷の形をとり、人間に似たものとなって、自分自身を無とされ、その外貌は人間のように見えた」(フィリッピ2章7節)天主の御子ご自身の謙遜。



主のご降誕において、私たちは、私たちの主イエズス・キリストに対してこの世が反対するのを見始めます。宿はマリアとヨゼフに対して門を閉ざし、その結果、イエズスが来られることによる祝福を得ません。私たちは決して心をイエズスに閉ざさないようにしましょう! むしろ、羊飼いたちのように、よく見張っていて、マリアの腕の中にいるイエズスのところへ行けるよう、守護の天使に従う準備をしておきましょう。「急いでマリアとヨゼフとまぐさおけに寝かされたみどり児を見に行った」(ルカ2章16節)。彼らはイエズスを見つけましたが、それはマリアを見つけたからでした。マリアは私たちをイエズスにお導きになります。三博士を案内した星のようです。「彼らは子どもが母のマリアと一緒にいられるのを見た。彼らはひれ伏して礼拝した」(マテオ2章11節)。マリアは私たちに、私たちの主イエズス・キリストのご神性を、私たちが礼拝し、崇拝するにふさわしいご神性を教えてくださいます。私たちの主イエズス・キリストを礼拝するのを拒否する人々は天主を知らないのです。「御子を信じる者には永遠の命があり、信じようとしない者は命を知らず、その人の上には天主の怒りがとどまる」(ヨハネ3章36節)。

主の神殿での奉献において、私たちはマリアとヨゼフが律法に従順であることをたたえます。お潔めを要求する律法から聖母を免除した条項がありました。モーゼであっても、このいとも聖なる童貞、童貞中の童貞に、不浄についての律法を適用することはできなかったでしょう。でも謙遜から、ご自分を目立たせないために、聖母は律法に服従し、律法に従って貧しい人々のいけにえである二羽の鳥のいけにえをお捧げになりました。すると、聖霊が年老いたシメオンを神殿へ導き、彼は私たちの主イエズス・キリストの栄光を歌いました。「異邦人を照らす光、御民イスラエルの誉れである」(ルカ2章32節)。しかし、彼はまた、マリアの心を貫くつるぎのことを預言し、こうして聖母を十字架の神秘へと導きました。これは聖母の第一の悲しみでした! これらの神秘は、典礼が歌うように「喜びと涙が混じって」いました。

幼子イエズスの喪失と神殿での発見は、十字架の神秘へのさらなる序章です。「私の子よ、なぜこんなことをしたのですか。ご覧、お父さんと私とは心配して捜していたのですよ」(ルカ2章48節)。この聖母の第三の御悲しみにおいて、聖母を苦しめているのはヘロデのような迫害者ではなく、私たちの主イエズス・キリストご自身です! 主はお二人から離れられました。主が聖母の苦しみの原因でした! なぜでしょうか? 聖母は主を非難なさらず、こうお尋ねになります。「なぜ、なぜこんなことをしたのですか」。すると、主のお答えは神秘に満ちていました。「私が父のことに従事すべきだと知らなかったのですか」(ルカ2章49節)。「彼らにはイエズスの言われたことが分からなかった」(ルカ2章50節)。しかし聖母はこの教訓を学ばれ、のちに御子が再び聖母の最大の苦しみの原因になられたとき、すなわち聖母が十字架上に吊るされた主をご覧になったとき、聖母は再び「なぜ」と尋ねることはなさいませんでした。聖母はなぜなのかをご存じだったのであり、主が「父のことに従事している」こと、つまり十字架のいけにえによって世を贖っておられることをご存じだったのです。

こうして、この最後の喜びの玄義は苦しみの玄義へと私たちを導きます。これが、私たちの主イエズス・キリストが来られた目的です。「彼は罪から民を救う」(マテオ1章21節)。第一の苦しみの玄義は非常に重要です。私たちはキリストの肉体の苦しみに目を向けがちですが、ゲッセマネの園において主は人間のあらゆる罪についての精神的な恐ろしさによってひどく圧倒されたため、主を本当に悶えに、血をしたたらせるほどの悶えに至らせました! ああ主よ、罪のまことの恐ろしさと、自分の過去の罪と世のあらゆる罪をまことに嫌悪する心を、私たちにお与えください。それによって、御身がなさったように、罪を償うべく私たちも自らを奉献することができますように! 天主がどれほど罪をお嫌いになるのか、罪を償うため十字架のいけにえへと御子をお送りになるほどに罪をお嫌いになるのかを、私たちが理解しさえできたなら! そしてイエズスは御父のご計画に完全に入っていかれます。主は苦しみたいと望まれます。罪の償いをなさりたいからです! 主はさらに完全に苦しむためにご神性を隠されます。聖母もまた、罪を嫌われます。私たちの主イエズス・キリストの恩寵によって、聖母は汚れなく、完全に罪がないお方だからです。私たちは、自分の霊魂を罪から解き放っておかなければなりません。そして私たちの主イエズス・キリストの恩寵によって、それは可能なのです! 主のご受難が常に目の前にあれば、私たちは決して罪を犯さないでしょう。主の御苦しみを、あえてさらに増やそうとすることができますか?! ですから、私たちの目の前にこの聖なるご受難を何回ももたらす聖なるロザリオは、罪を避け聖なる生活を送るための大変大きな助けなのです。

柱にくくられた鞭打ちは、特に不潔な罪に対する償いです。人々が肉の望むままにさせる一方で、主の肉体は、あらゆる不潔の罪の償うために、この鞭でひどく引き裂かれました。「信仰の創始者であり完成者であるイエズスに目を注ぐようにしよう。イエズスは差し出された喜びのために、恥も顧みずに十字架を忍」(ヘブライ12章2節)ばれました。聖骸布には、鞭打ちの痕が最も目立っています。学者たちの計算では、その数は百以上でした! 私たちが誘惑を受ける時には、このことを思い出しましょう。私たちは主を侮辱し、主のこれらの御苦しみをさらに増やそうとすることができますか? いいえ決してできません! 疑問の余地はありません! キリスト教的な清さに反するあらゆる侮辱に対して、マリア様の汚れなき御心とはまったく相いれない侮辱に対して、私たちはファチマの聖母とともに償いをいたしましょう。

茨の冠をかぶせられることは、特に全ての傲慢の罪に対する償いです。ここで皆さんは、いと高き至高の知恵である方が愚か者扱いされているのを見ます! とりわけ彼らは主の王権をあざけったのです。私たちの主イエズス・キリストは実際に王、最高の王でいらっしゃいます。しかし民は主の律法に服従することを拒否します。現代人はとりわけ人間の上に法があることを拒否しており、それによって事実上、すべての法を台無しにしています。現代人は天主から自由でありたいと望み、王たるキリストをあざけっています。現代人の傲慢は、天主を侮辱する権利、妊娠中絶をする権利、自然に反する悪徳を行う権利があるなどと主張するまでに至っているのです。しかし、私たちの主イエズス・キリストが来られたのは、そのご受難の屈辱によって、特に茨の冠をかぶせられることによる屈辱によって、この傲慢を償うためでした。主が私たちに、謙遜を愛する心と、主のために屈辱を寛大に受け入れる心を与えてくださいますように。謙遜は聖マリアの素晴らしい徳です。「主が卑しいはしために御目をとめられた」(ルカ1章48節)。

主が十字架を担われたことは、私たちに苦しみにおける忍耐と堅忍を教えます。「あなたたちは私の名のためにすべての人から憎まれる。だが終わりまで耐え忍ぶ者は救われる」(マテオ10章22節)。聖母、聖ヨハネ、聖なる婦人たちとともに、最後までキリストに従いましょう! 無垢でありあたかも「緑木」のように贖いの神秘を成し遂げられ、その犠牲によって永遠の誉れを獲得なさっている主のことについて嘆くのではなく、むしろ、罪について、罪びとについて、まず私たち自身について嘆きましょう。なぜなら、これは真の悪であるからです。罪は悪の根っこです。罪とは、全力で避けなくてはならない唯一の悪です。肉体の苦しみは、もし罪を負っていないならば、贖いの原因になります。殉教者たちなら、罪を犯すよりもむしろ死を選びます。罪よりもむしろ死を望むという、この固い決心を更新しましょう。

十字架上の三時間と十字架上の主のご死去は、人類の歴史全体の中で最も荘厳で崇高な時でした。そのとき、この至高の犠牲が聖三位一体に捧げられ、天主はご自分にふさわしい誉れを受けられ、霊魂たちは汚れのない小羊の尊き御血によって贖われ、天主の御子はその神秘体の肢体として何百万もの聖人を獲得され、ご自身と一つにさせ、聖化され、また悪魔は打ち負かされ、罪はあふれんばかりに償われました。そして、この最も聖なる犠牲の効果を持続させるために、私たちの主イエズス・キリストは、その前日の最後の晩餐のときにいとも聖なるご聖体を制定されました。これによって、主ご自身が主の司祭たちの司祭職を通して、汚れなき小羊としてご自分をお捧げになり、主ご自身の肉と血によって私たちに食べ物を与えることを継続なさいます。その結果、私たちは主によって生きることができるのです! 聖母は、十字架の下におられて完全に主と一致され、そこで新しいエバ、すべての生きる者、すなわち私たちの主イエズス・キリストに属して生きる人々すべての母、私たちの母となられました。聖母が、この偉大なる玄義についての知識と、この玄義への愛を私たちに与えてくださいますように!





その後聖母は、天国で元后としての冠を受けられました。天主なる御子が聖母に、私たちの利益のための素晴らしい御力をお与えなりました。その御力は、聖母の御取り次ぎと母としての配慮によって、ここ地上の私たちを助けてくださるためのものです。聖母は、すべての天使をご自分の意のままになさり、彼らにご自分の命令を実行させられます! そして、天使たちはそれを喜んで行ないます。彼らはみな、聖母に与えられた恩寵と栄光の充満を敬っているからです。彼らは聖母の騎士であり、私たちもまた、私たちの主イエズス・キリストの恩寵によって聖母の騎士になることができ、またそうするべきです。マリアにお仕えすることによって、私たちがお仕えするのはイエズスです。主が王でいらっしゃるのですから! 私たちが天国へ行って永遠に聖母や諸聖人とともに、限りなく永遠に至るまで天主において私たちの喜びを得ることができるよう、この地上において正しい生き方ができますように!


私たちがロザリオを愛し、ロザリオを生き、私たちの主イエズス・キリストの国を広めるために、天国へ行くために、汚れなき御心への信心をもって、特に自分の家族にロザリオを広めることができますように! アーメン。


On the Rosary
The month of October is the month of the Rosary: it is the custom of the Church to encourage the recitation of the holy Rosary especially during this month. The Church wants that, taking the habit of saying a daily Rosary during this month, the faithful may continue this holy habit throughout the whole year! Pope Leo XIII encouraged this devotion, and rewarded it with many indulgences, but it is much older than him.

The Holy Rosary was given by our Lady herself to St Dominic early in the 13th century, and was the means of innumerable graces of conversion, of holiness and victory over sin, and even famous victories over the enemies of the true faith, in particular over Islam: Lepanto, Vienna, and others are famous such victories. The very feast of the Holy Rosary was instituted by Pope Saint Pius V on the 7th of October, as the anniversary of the victory of Lepanto: it was first called “feast of our Lady of Victories” and later “feast of our Lady of the most Holy Rosary”.

When the three children of Fatima asked the beautiful Woman whom they saw what her name was, she answered: “I am the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary”. The apparitions of Fatima culminated with the famous miracle on the 13th of October 1917, which further spread devotion to the holy Rosary. So why does the Church recommend so highly this devotion? Why does God Himself recommend it by the miracles He performed through it? Because the Holy Rosary is an excellent means to acquire Christian perfection and save our souls!

Indeed Christian perfection essentially consists in our Lord Jesus Christ living in us: “I live, now not I; but Christ liveth in me. And that I live now in the flesh: I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). This is the very purpose for which our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself, came down from Heaven: “I am come so that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly” (Jn. 10:10). That “more abundant life” is everlasting life, eternal life: “God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting” (Jn. 3:16). It consists essentially in the knowledge and love of God: “Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (Jn. 17:3).

Knowledge without love of God would be a very deficient knowledge, because “God is charity: and he that abideth in charity, abideth in God, and God in him” (1 Jn. 4:16). Hence St John says: “He that loveth not, knoweth not God: for God is charity” (1 Jn. 4:8). That knowledge and love of God, we acquire by contemplation of our Lord Jesus Christ: “By this hath the charity of God appeared towards us, because God hath sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we may live by him” (1 Jn. 4:9).

Contemplation is a loving look at our Lord Jesus Christ, and desires to unite ourselves more and more with Jesus, to unite ourselves with Him in the mystery of his death so that we may be united with Him in the mystery of His Resurrection. Indeed “we are the sons of God, and if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him” (Rom. 8:16-17). Here you have the whole Rosary: “we are children of God” in Christ, these are the joyful mysteries; “if we suffer with Him”, these are the sorrowful mysteries; “that we may be also glorified with Him”: these are the glorious mysteries.

Similarly in the Creed, we have the whole Rosary – or in the Rosary we have the whole Creed. Indeed the heart of the Creed is the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, “who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary” – these are the joyful mysteries – “suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, buried and descended into Hell” – these are the sorrowful mysteries – “the third day He rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty” – these are the glorious mysteries. Note that the Creed goes straight from the birth from the Virgin Mary to the suffering under Pontius Pilate, from the joyful to the sorrowful mysteries: no so-called “luminous mysteries”.

Now this contemplation of our Lord Jesus Christ in His Incarnation, and especially in the Mystery of His Passion and death so as to be united in the Mystery of His Resurrection, this is the whole Rosary! No one has ever understood our Lord Jesus Christ more than His holy Mother. She did contemplate and meditate on these great truths, as the Gospel itself gives testimony: “But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart” (Lk. 2:19). So it is in her Immaculate Heart that we shall find the proper understanding of these great truths; her Immaculate Heart will give us that understanding which she had acquired so deeply.

In particular we find in the Immaculate Heart of Mary the hatred for sin and the desire for reparation for sin. She asks for that at Fatima. And the modern world does need very much such detestation of sin. One of the characteristic of the modern world is the refusal of the very notion of sin: modern man claims “I can do whatever I want. Nobody can tell me what to do – not even God!” This is a horrible blasphemy and the open door to the most abominable sins, in particular the sin of abortion, which is the epitome of the wickedness of the modern world.

But if with our Lady we contemplate our Lord Jesus Christ from His Incarnation on the day of the Annunciation to His death on the Cross, then we can only but say an absolute NO to sin, and yes to God, and offer ourselves as victims of expiation in union with our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and with our Lady at the foot of the Cross, to make reparation for sin – first for our own sins, but also for the sins of the world, which are so much multiplied today.

Indeed the Annunciation shows that God cares for men; God who created us did not abandon us after the sin of Adam, but promised to send a Saviour and fulfilled that promise on that day of the Annunciation. What a beautiful passage of the Gospel! All is holy, all is pure, all is charity in that first mystery. The humility of the Angel before a young girl; the humility of She who was just chosen as the Mother of God and offers herself as the servant, the handmaid of the Lord; and finally the humility of the Son of God Himself who becomes the son of Mary, “emptying himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men, and in habit found as a man” (Phil. 2:7).

Not only God cares, but He loves us so much that He wants this most intimate union with us, as when Jesus was in the bosom of Mary. He wants to live in us, as He lived in Mary. The Annunciation already announces the beautiful mystery of the Holy Eucharist, in which we have the same grace: Jesus living in us as He lived in Mary, and transforming us as He transformed our Lady. This is the beautiful prayer: “O Jesus, living in Mary, come and live in Thy servants, in the spirit of Thy holiness, in the fullness of Thy might, in the truth of Thy virtues, in the perfection of Thy ways, in the communion of Thy mysteries. Subdue every hostile power, in Thy Spirit for the glory of Thy Father.”

In the Visitation, we see how the Love of God immediately leads to the love of the neighbour. Our Lady, filled with the Son of God, immediately goes to serve her cousin Elisabeth. We also see that the true love of the neighbour consists in bringing Jesus to them. And this is the joy of Elisabeth: “whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Lk. 1:43). Both Elisabeth and St John the Baptist in her womb are sanctified by the presence of Jesus living in Mary. As the house of Elisabeth and Zachary was sanctified by the coming of Mary, so are your families going to be sanctified when our Lady comes by the family Rosary. The daily family prayer is a most important moment of the day for the whole family and the source of innumerable blessings.

In the Nativity, we start to see the opposition of the world to our Lord Jesus Christ: the inn closes its doors to Mary and Joseph and as a consequence will not have the blessing of the coming of Jesus. Let us never close our heart to Jesus! Rather like the shepherds, let us keep watching, ready to follow our guardian angels that lead us to Jesus in the arms of Mary: “they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger” (Lk. 2:16). They found Jesus because they found Mary: she leads us to Jesus. She is like the star that guided the Magi: “they found the child with Mary his mother, and falling down they adored him” (Mt. 2:11). She teaches us the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, worthy of our adoration, of our worship. Those who refuse to adore our Lord Jesus Christ do not know God: “He that believeth in the Son, hath life everlasting; but he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (Jn. 3:36).

In the Presentation we admire the obedience of Mary and Joseph to the Law. There was a clause that exempted our Lady from a law requiring purification: Moses could not have included the most pure Virgin, the Virgin of virgins, in a law of uncleanness! Yet out of humility, in order not to singularise herself, our Lady submitted to the Law and offered the sacrifice of two little birds, the sacrifice of the poor, according to the Law. And the Holy Ghost led the old man Simeon to the Temple and he sang the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ: “A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel” (Lk. 2:32). But he also prophesised the sword that shall pierce Mary’s heart, thus introducing her into the mystery of the Cross: this was the first sorrow of our Lady! These mysteries were “mixing joys and tears” as the Liturgy sings.

The loss and finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple are a further introduction into the mystery of the Cross. “Son, why hast thou done so to us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing” (Lk. 2:48). In this third sorrow of our Lady, it is no longer the persecutor like Herod that is making our Lady suffering, but it is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! He parted company with them; He was the cause of her suffering! Why? Our Lady does not condemn Him, but she does ask: “Why? Why hast Thou done so to us?” And our Lord’s answer is full of mystery: “I must be about my father's business” (Lk. 2:49). “And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them” (Lk. 2:50). But our Lady did learn the lesson, and later when Her Son would again cause her the utmost suffering when she saw Him hanging on the Cross, she did not ask Him again “Why”, she knew why, she knew that He “was about His Father’s business”, the Redemption of the world through the Sacrifice of the Cross!

Thus this last joyful mystery introduces us to the sorrowful mysteries. This was the purpose for which our Lord Jesus Christ had come: “he shall save his people from their sins” (Mt. 1:21). The first sorrowful mystery is very important: we tend to look only at the physical sufferings of Christ, yet in the garden He is so overwhelmed by the spiritual horror of all the sins of men that this leads Him to a true agony, so much so that He was sweating blood! Deign to give us, o Lord, a true horror for sin, a true detestation of our own past sins and of all the sins of the world, so that we may dedicate ourselves to making reparation for sins as Thou didst! If only we would understand how much God hates sin, to the point of sending His Son to the sacrifice of the Cross to make reparation for it! And Jesus fully enters into the plan of His Father; He wants to suffer because He wants to make reparation for sin! He hides His divinity in order to suffer more fully. And our Lady also hates sin: she is Immaculate, absolutely without sin – by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must keep our soul free from sin, and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ this is possible! If we would have constantly the Passion of our Lord in front of our eyes, we would never sin: how could we dare to add to His sufferings?! Hence the Holy Rosary that brings us again and again this Holy Passion in front of our eyes is a very great help to avoid sin and to live a holy life.

The scourging at the pillar is in particular opposed to the sins of impurity: while people pamper their flesh, our Lord’s flesh was horribly torn by these whips, to make reparation for all these impurities. “Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). On the Holy Shroud, the marks of the scourging are the most remarkable. Doctors have counted up to above 100 marks! Let us remember that when we are tempted! Can we add to these sufferings by offending Him again? No! It is out of question! With our Lady of Fatima, let us make reparation to all these offenses against Christian purity, offenses so incompatible with the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

The crowning with thorns is in particular opposed to all the sins of pride. Here you have the most High, the supreme Wisdom treated like a fool! In particular they mocked His Kingship. Our Lord Jesus Christ is King indeed, the Supreme King. But people refuse to submit to His Law. Modern man in particular refuses any law above men – thus practically destroying all laws. Modern man wants to be free from God, and mocks Christ the King. The pride of modern man goes so far as to claim a right to offend God, rights to abortion, right to unnatural vices, and so on. But our Lord Jesus Christ came to make reparation for this pride by His humiliations in His Passion and especially in this crowning with thorns. May He grant us the love of humility and the generous acceptation of humiliations for His sake! Humility is the great virtue of the Blessed Virgin: “he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid” (Lk. 1:48).

The carrying of the Cross teaches us patience and perseverance in suffering: “you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved” (Mt. 10:22). With our Lady, St John and the holy women, let us follow Christ until the end! Let us not so much weep over Him, Who is innocent and like the “green wood” is accomplishing the mystery of Redemption and acquiring by His Sacrifice an eternal glory, but let us rather weep over sin, over sinners, over ourselves first, because this is the true evil: sin is the root of all evil. Sin is the only evil that must be avoided at all cost. Physical suffering, if borne with innocence, becomes a cause of redemption: the Martyrs would rather die than sin. Let us renew this firm resolution: to die rather than to sin!

The three hours on the Cross and death of our Lord on the Cross was the most solemn and sublime moment in the whole of human history: then the supreme Sacrifice was offered to the most Holy Trinity, God was honoured as He deserved, souls were being redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Immaculate Lamb, the Son of God acquired and united unto Himself and sanctified millions of Saints as members of His Mystical Body, the devil was vanquished and sin was compensated by an overabundant satisfaction. And to continue the effects of this most Holy Sacrifice, our Lord Jesus Christ had instituted the day before during the Last Supper the most Holy Eucharist, in which He Himself continues to offer Himself by the ministry of His priests as the Immaculate Lamb and feed us by His own Flesh and Blood, so that we may live by Him! Our Lady was there at the foot of the Cross, perfectly one with Him, and became there the New Eve, the Mother of all the living, i.e. of all those who live of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Mother. May she grant us the knowledge and the love of that great mystery!

On the Third Day He rose again from the dead: as death is the consequence of sin, so the victory over death on Easter follows the victory over sin on Good Friday. His Resurrection is His greatest miracle: He appeared so many times to His Apostles and gave them so much proof of His Resurrection that they were ready to die for Him: they knew that they too would rise again glorious with Him if they were faithful to Him until death. We are united to His resurrection by Baptism. Indeed we are buried with Christ into death so that we may rise again with Him unto newness of life: therefore “do you also reckon, that you are dead to sin, but alive unto God, in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:11). As Christ gave the only-begotten son of the widow of Naïm back to his mother after He rose him from the dead, so He gave Himself back to His Mother Mary, who also was widow and had lost her only-begotten Son: he could not do less for His mother than for that widow of Naïm.

After many apparitions, He ascended gloriously into Heaven on the 40th day after His Resurrection, and He sits at the right hand of the Father Almighty. The Angels assured the Apostles that He will come again as gloriously as He went; He will come to judge the living and the dead. May our Lady help us to live in such a way as we may deserve to hear those beautiful words: “Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Mt. 25:34). And may we always absolutely shun sin, lest we hear those other words, most frightful ones: “Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels” (Mt. 25:41). In Heaven he appeared to St Stephen, encouraging him to profess the faith even until death; He encourages all the martyrs; He encourages us to live a holy life, a life of faith and fidelity to all the Commandments, even until death!

The Apostles prepared themselves for nine days with our Lady until the coming of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost day, and He filled them with His gifts and above all with His Charity: they were burning with the love of God and wanted to inflame the whole world with that love, as our Lord had announced: “I am come to cast fire on the earth; and what will I, but that it be kindled?” (Lk. 12:49). Our Lady’s heart was enlarged to embrace all the members of our Lord Jesus Christ, all the members of the Church. She is now our Mother and has no greater desire for us than our salvation. She wants us also to be filled with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of holiness, of love of God above all things and of the neighbour for God’s sake; she wants us to be missionary around us, and kindle that same love in all those close to us.

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