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"On the differences between the new Mass and Traditional Mass" by Fr. Laisney SSPX




On the differences between the new Mass and Traditional Mass

My dear brethren,

St John the Baptist is the greatest prophet, because to him it was given to point to the Messiah: this is HE! The words St John used are most remarkable: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). The Lamb, that is, the victim of the sacrifice: He takes away the sins of the world by His Sacrifice, by the Sacrifice of the Cross once for all, which is applied to us by the Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Sacrifice of the Mass does not detract from the Sacrifice of the Cross, nor does it multiply the Sacrifice of the Cross, yet each Mass is truly a Sacrifice, as it was defined at the Council of Trent. The best way to grasp – a little only – this great mystery is to consider the other mystery of the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ: our Lord has only one Body, and yet each consecrated Host is truly the Body of Christ, without multiplying it, yet without any diminution. Already in the report of the martyrdom of St Andrew, his words are recalled: “We have an altar , whereon day by day I offer up to God, the Almighty, the One, and the True, not the flesh of bulls nor the blood of goats, but an immaculate Lamb and when all they that believe have eaten of the Flesh Thereof, the Lamb That was slain abideth whole and liveth.”

From the earliest times, the Church has taught that the Mass was a sacrifice. St Augustine calls it “the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord.” Hence Holy Communion is not a common meal, but it is rather the “partaking of the body of the Lord” and “communion of the blood of Christ” (1 Cor. 10:16), as St Paul himself says. Thus the priest presents the Body of Christ to the faithful before communion with the very words of St John the Baptist: “Ecce Agnus Dei - Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). Holy Communion is eating the victim of the Sacrifice of the Cross, the Lamb of God, the very body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now the Protestants do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and consequently they do not believe in the Mass as a true Sacrifice of propitiation and they do not believe in the special power of the priest to consecrate, i.e. to transubstantiate, that is, to completely change the substance of the bread into the Body of Christ and the substance of the wine into the Blood of Christ. In their communion service, they eat and drink mere bread and wine, and they merely remember the Last Supper and the Sacrifice of the Cross; their meal is merely presided by a minister, who has not been properly ordained. Thus these are the three most important dogmas that relate to the Mass and that the Protestants do not believe: the Real Presence, the Mass as a true and propitiatory Sacrifice, and the need of a properly ordained priest.

Now when the modernists changed the Mass in the 1960s, they had asked six Protestant ministers to be observers in the committee that prepared the New Mass. At the end of the work of that committee, they were photographed with Pope Paul VI and the other members of the committee: the six Protestants were in the front row with the Pope, while the Catholic members of the committee were in the background. This photograph was on the front page of the “Documentation Catholique”, official publication of the French bishops on 3rd May1970. Though they did not vote in the final decisions, yet they did talk freely with the other members of the committee and they let them know what they did not like in the Catholic Mass. Bugnini, who was the very secretary of that committee, had said in 1965 that the purpose of the liturgical reform was “to take off even the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren.” Hence it is not surprising that in the new Mass many ceremonies that manifested the three dogmas mentioned above were suppressed or greatly reduced.

For instance, in the Canon of the traditional Mass, there are 25 signs of the Cross. In the New Mass, there is only one: that is 96% signs of the cross taken away! Why were there so many? Because they were pointing to the victim of the Cross. Thus when the priest was saying: “we offer Thee the pure victim, the holy victim, the immaculate victim”, he was making three signs of the cross over the matter of the sacrifice, pointing out to that victim. All these signs have been removed, even in the first Eucharistic prayer.

Because the Church believes in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the priest adores our Lord and marks this adoration by genuflections both before and after each time he takes the host. Hence you have ten genuflections in the traditional Mass. Only three remain, if they are still done, in the New mass: that is 70% removed!

More grievously, the offertory has been denatured. In the traditional Mass, the priest offers in anticipation the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the new mass, he merely offers bread and wine. This is a huge difference!

Traditionally the priest says offering the paten: “Receive, O Holy Father, Almighty and eternal God, this spotless victim – that can only mean our Lord Jesus Christ, not mere bread – this immaculate victim, which I, Thine unworthy servant, offer to Thee, my living and true God, to atone for my numberless sins, offenses and negligences; on behalf of all here present and likewise for all faithful Christians living and dead – the sacrifice is offered for the souls in Purgatory –, that it may profit me and them as a means of salvation to life everlasting. Amen.”

Then offering the chalice, the priest says: “We offer Thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, humbly begging of Thy mercy that it may arise before Thy Divine Majesty, with a pleasing fragrance, for our salvation and for that of the whole world. Amen.” Though at that moment, there is yet only bread on the paten and wine in the chalice, it is clear that the Church offers by anticipation the Body and Blood of Christ, into which the bread and wine will be soon changed.

These beautiful prayers, full of doctrine, have now been suppressed. They have been replaced by two prayers, in which they now “offer bread, fruit of the earth and work of human hands” and “offer bread/wine, fruit of the earth and work of human hands”. Let it be said emphatically: if the Mass were the offering of mere bread and wine, it would be worthless! It would not be greater than the Old Testament which now is of no avail. On the contrary, St Thomas Aquinas says: “For, the sacrifices of the Old Law contained only in figure that true sacrifice of Christ's Passion, according to Heb. 10:1: For the law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things. And therefore it was necessary [for the perfection of the New Law] that the sacrifice of the New Law instituted by Christ should have something more, namely, that it should contain Christ Himself crucified, not merely in signification or figure, but also in very truth.” So the object of the Sacrifice – what we offer – is not a mere figure like bread and wine in the Old Testament, it is rather the very body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is worth to note that the expression “work of human hands” is used eight times in the Holy Scripture, each time to designate… idols! Thus it is written: “The idols of the gentiles are silver and gold, the works of human hands” (Ps. 113:12). It is, to say the least, incongruous to use as the object of the offering an expression that designates idols in the Scriptures.

Protestants offer bread and wine; we Catholics offer “the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord”. Protestants only make commemoration of the Sacrifice of the Cross; Catholic actually offer the Sacrifice of Christ, which He has given to His Church as St Augustine says beautifully, so that she – the Church – may learn to offer herself with Him .

Similarly the “placeat” prayer at the end of Mass has been removed. It said: “May the tribute of my worship be pleasing to Thee, most Holy Trinity, and grant that the sacrifice which I, all unworthy, have offered up in the presence of Thy Majesty, may be acceptable to Thee, and through Thy mercy obtain forgiveness for me and all for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.” To remove such a prayer is again to silence the truth of the Sacrifice.

Another very important change is communion in the hands. Though it is theoretically only an exceptional permission, it has practically spread everywhere, and is sometimes imposed. Communion in the hand is NOT traditional at all. Even if it had been done at the beginning of the Church, it is not what the Church has transmitted to us. Why? Because it was done with such great faith in the real presence of our Lord, that led the Church to adore the Eucharist: it is that Faith of the early Church manifested in the adoration of Communion on the tongue and kneeling down, that the Church has transmitted to us. Because they believed, they adored; and they passed on to us both the faith in the Real Presence together with its adoration in Communion kneeling down. St Augustine says: “Not only I do not sin if I adore [our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament], but I sin if I don’t.” So adoration was not optional.

It was the heretics who later re-introduced communion in the hands without adoration because of their unbelief. So one wonders why on earth have the modernists asked six heretics to take part in the preparation of a new mass! This introduction of communion in the hand has led countless souls to the loss of faith, not only among the faithful but perhaps even more among the priests. Many modern priests today no longer believe in the real presence. Why? Because they did not adore our Lord, because of all the lack of respect they show daily to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Communion in the hands leads to the loss of faith and therefore must be avoided absolutely. I never gave it in the hand and never will. I never received it in the hand and never will.

Another common abuse today is the distribution of the Blessed Sacraments by laypersons, and even by women. St Thomas says that it belongs to the same person to consecrate this sacrament and to distribute it. This is the reason why the hands of the priests are specially anointed with holy oil as part of the ordination rite. It is so true that the hands of the priests are anointed that, when a priest is grievously sick, he receives the anointing of the sick on the outside of the hand and not on the inside like the faithful, because the inside of his hands has already been anointed. And the two fingers, thumb and index, are specially anointed because they are the fingers that touch the Holy Eucharist.

Another common abuse today is altar girls. This practice was never, absolutely never done before, and was forbidden until 1997, when John Paul II gave in the pressures of the modernists. This blurs the distinction between priest and layperson: the altar boy at the foot of the altar fulfils the role of an acolyte, which is one of the minor orders, that is, a step towards the priesthood. Now by divine institution, the priesthood is reserved for men: our Lord Jesus Christ chose only men for His twelve apostles, because the Sacrifice of the Cross is also the mystical marriage of Christ with His Church: our Lord on the cross is the groom of the Church, which, as the new Eve, is born of the open side of the new Adam. Our Lady stands at the foot of the cross, as the New Eve, representing the whole Church, and to her our Lord gives the beloved apostle as her child, manifesting the fruitfulness of this mystical marriage: all the beloved disciples throughout history are born of this most mysterious union of Christ and His Church, fruitful unto everlasting life!

There are very many other items that have changed between the traditional Mass and the new Mass; and all these changes are in the same direction: to suppress the many prayers and actions that manifest the Faith of the Catholic Church in these three dogmas: 1/ the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, 2/ the fact that the Mass is a true and propitiatory Sacrifice, the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord, and 3/ the fact that there is need of an truly ordained priest to offer that Sacrifice. One could mention the fact that the altar stone has become optional; in many instances lay-persons distribute the Blessed Sacrament, even women; the grievous fact that the Blessed Sacrament is now often removed from the main altar and put aside in a corner, or even in another room; the removal of prayers mentioning what the world does not like, such as penance, hell, mortification, despising earthly things, etc.

St Thomas explains that there are two acts of Faith: the interior act by which we adhere to the revealed truth and the exterior act by which we profess that faith. As St Paul says: “With the heart we believe unto justice; but with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:10). Now the systematic diminution of the profession of faith leads to a state of tepidity and of weakness , in which one is not ready to stand up in case of scandal: then when such scandal happens, many fall and actually lose the faith, because they had failed to profess it. In the Mass, the lack of respect towards the Blessed Sacrament leads many to such weakness, and then if they are witness to a greater scandal, one is inclined to say: “it does not matter, it is just bread”: if one says that, one has lost the faith! And how many did actually lose the Faith in this way?

No, the New Mass is not the same as the Traditional Mass. There is a huge difference! Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci had written to Pope Paul VI: “the Novus Ordo represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of the Council of Trent. The “canons” of the rite definitively fixed at that time provided an insurmountable barrier to any heresy directed against the integrity of the Mystery.”

If we want to keep the faith of all times, we must also keep the solemn expression of that faith in the Liturgy of all times, and above all in the Mass of all times. Fidelity to the traditional Faith of the Catholic Church, fidelity to the traditional morals of the Church, the morals of the Saints, fidelity to the Traditional Mass is deeply connected. We must keep the three inseparably.

May the faithful Virgin, standing at the foot of the Cross, help all of us to remain faithful to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in its traditional liturgy, which is the greatest treasure of the Church, so that one day we may deserve to enjoy its fruits for ever in Heaven! Amen.

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