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コロンビアのために百万環のロザリオの祈りをお願い致します。Cruzada un millón de rosarios FSSPX





Bogota D.C, November 27th 2017

Dear Reverend Father.

Firstly, I would like to express to you my greatest respect.
On behalf of a group of Colombian believers who are concerned about Colombia’s current situation, I write to you because I want to express the following urgent request.

Nowadays, Colombia is going through a quite serious political situation: the corrupt government of this country, following a devilish plan, is surrendering it to the guerrilla group FARC. As a matter of fact, they are the worst murderers and criminals of the Colombian history who want to impose an agenda that involves destruction of the family, of the property, as well as the Christian order. Hence, we are in an imminent risk of falling into the Communism, as it happened to Venezuela before. As you know, a communist regime would be catastrophic for any kind of catholic apostolate, putting in danger also millions of souls in Colombia.

Regarding this concern and reviewing the history of the miracles granted by means of the prayer of the Holy Rosary, we have seen that in many countries under the communist threat, where the people have prayed the Rosary collectively, publicly and on a massive scale (such as Austria, the Philippines and Brazil, just to mention some of the most recent history), the communism has not taken over the government.

Following these models, we have been inspired by the later example of a million Rosaries prayed in Poland, so that we would like to propose a Crusade of a million Rosaries to save Colombia from the communism.

Therefore, we want to carry out a formal call for a Crusade of a million Rosaries for Colombia, to ask Heaven the explicit intention to save Colombia from the communist threat. This crusade of Rosaries will be held on December 8th at noon in Colombia, feast of the Immaculate Conception.

That is why we are asking the special help of the FSSPX worldwide in order to communicate the complex situation we have already explained, as well as the great need of the support of priests, monks, nuns and believers from all the Priories and Mass centers; thus, all could truly accompany us in the prayer of the Holy Rosary on the day and hour agreed.

Moreover, we ask you to include the serious situation of Colombia in the intentions of the Masses, because it is about to fall into a totalitarian, neocommunist and cultural-marxist regime that aims to introduce forcibly the gender ideology; all this is opposite to the Catholic doctrine.
In the Spirit of Saint Pius X (Instaurare omnia in Christo)

We await your essential support in this Crusade of a million Rosaries to save Colombia and the world from the satanic enemy.

Thank you so much for your kind attention.
God bless you, the Blessed Virgin Mary may be with you and Saint Michael Archangel protect you.

Kind regards,

Father Francisco Javier Jimenez Maroto
Prior from the FSSPX in Bogotá, Colombia.

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