Channel: Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた
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« O cor Mariae sanctissimum, cor omnium cordium ornatissimum, purissimum, nobilissimum ; cor bonitatis, mansuetudinis, miscricordiae, et amoris fons perennis ; cor omnium virtutum mirandum sanctuarium et suavissimum exemplar ; soli divino cordi Jesu cor inferius ; insulas illas Lieu-Kieu, (Riu-Kiu), primum evangelisandas mihi licet indignissimo commissas. tunc temporis, quantum in me est, et ad me pertinet, sub spe-ciali patrocinio tuo offero, pono, dico, consecro; insuper vovens me, ubi aliquot tantummodo et earum incolis ab inani idolorum cultu ad christianam fidem transierint ubi sacellum etiam minimum aedificatum fuerit, vere incoeptâ stabilitâque missione, omnia sine ullâ mora acturum esse, ut a Sancta Sede Apostolica, sub eodem speciali patrocinio totum regnum istud aperte et, authentice ponatur.
« O cor piissimum, apud divinum cor Jesu cor potentissimum, cor quod nullus inanibus precibus unquam exoravit, humillimas deprecationes meas ne aspernare, miserrimum cor meum ad melius converte, mentis istius tôt tenebris circumfusae caliginem discute, spiritum humilitatis, prudentiae, sapientiae et fortitudinis inter tantas difficultates tantaque pericula mihi obtinere dignare : Teque mediante, omnipotens et misericors Deus, Pater Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus, vili isto instrumenta uti non dedignetur, ut confundat fortia, ut ea quae sunt destruat; populumque istum a tôt saeculis in tenebris et umbra mortis sedentem ad sancti Evangelii lumen aeternamque vitam demum convertat, dirigat, perducat. Amen.

"Oh, most holy Heart of Mary, most ornate of all hearts, most pure, most noble; heart everlasting fountain of goodness, of meekness, of mercy and of love; admirable sanctuary of all virtues, and most sweet model; Heart inferior only to the Divine Heart of Jesus; that Ryu-kyu islands, entrusted to me though very unworthy, as first to be evangelized at the present time, thus, as far as it is my capacity, and as much as it belongs to me, I offer, I place, I say, I consecrate them under Thy special patronage. Especially, I promise, if, even only for few islanders, who converted from their vain cult of idols to the Christian faith, where a very small chapel would have been constructed, with the mission being started and established, I shall do all without any delay, so that this entire kingdom [of Japan] may be placed publicly and officially under [Thy] same patronage by the Holy Apostolic See."
"Oh, most merciful Heart, most powerful Heart towards the Divine Heart of Jesus, Heart which no one ever prayed in vain, despise not my most humble prayers, convert my most miserable heart to better disposition. Dissipate the evil of this mind so surrounded by darkness. Deign to obtain for me the spirit of humility, of prudence, of wisdom, and of fortitude among such difficulties and such dangers."
"And through Thy mediation, may the Almighty and merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, not disdain to use this vile instrument so that "He may confound the strong", "that He might bring to nought things that are" (1 Cor 1:27-28); and may God, at last, convert, guide, lead this people sitting in the darkness and the shadow of death from long centuries, to the light of holy Gospel and the life everlasting. Amen."


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