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司祭職について: ピーター・フォルティン神父様お説教 待降節第四主日



聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父






私たちの主は、この永遠のいけにえが聖なるミサによって再現されることをお望みになりました。私たちの主は、もう目に見える人間の形でこの地上にはおられませんから、ご自身の教会の中で、ご自身の司祭職を分かち与えられる者たちがいることをお望みになりました。人間の司祭は、キリストのしもべ、天主の代理者です。しもべたちが主人を助け、主人の代理をするように、司祭はキリストをお助けし、その代理をするのです。司祭は、自分が常に私たちの主を通じて行うすべてのこと、すなわち秘蹟、祝福、祓魔式、祈りにおいて、主の代理をします。司祭に対する信者のあいさつが「イエズス・キリストに讃美」、という文化がいくつかあります。その意味は、「私はあなたをキリストとして見ています」ということです。私が10年ほど前にシュテーリン神父様とポーランドを訪問したとき、至るところでこのあいさつが普通でした。ポーランド人に会うたびに、彼らはこのあいさつを知っていて、そう答えてくれるのです。本当に美しい習慣です。私は何回かそれほど頻繁に司祭の訪問を受けない人たちに会う機会がありました。ごく幼い子どもたちがカソック[司祭の黒い平服=スータン]を見たとき、イエズス、イエズスと叫ぶことが何度かありました! これは、司祭が私たちの主の代理をするという、まことに深遠な現実を表すものです。





4th Sunday of Advent

Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX

“Let a man so regard us as ministers of Christ and Stewards of the mysteries of God.”

Dear Faithful,

The epistle today is about the priesthood. The reason for this is because at a certain time in the Church’s history, it was customary to have ordination of the priest on the Winter Ember Saturday. For this reason, the 4th Sunday of Advent has readings concerning the priesthood. The Mass of the 4th Sunday of Advent would be the very first Mass offered by many newly ordained priests. It was intended to be a type of instruction for the first offering of the Holy Mass by the newly ordained priests.

St. Paul is an apostle and priest. He refers to the priest as a “Minister of Christ” in some ancient texts is recorded the word of “helper” or “assistant”. We can have the image of a Lord and his servant assisting him in regards to the priesthood with Our Lord and His priests. The greatness of the priesthood is not by itself but it is attached to Our Lord Jesus. It receives the entire greatness from Our Lord. There is a beautiful story of a priest during the French Revolution who was taken and tortured in a tavern. Towards his dying breath, his executioners threw him onto a table. He was beaten very badly and he was bleeding from his wounds. His executioners asked if he had anything to say. He had difficulty breathing and he asked for one of his executioners to come closer so that he could hear. He said “There is no great man, only God is great”. Meaning despite his sufferings and having been found faithful and dying a martyr’s death, did not consider himself great at all. It was only Christ, who is great, whom the priest is attached to.

There is in reality only one priest and that is Our Lord because the essence of the priesthood is mediatorship. A priest is a mediator between God and Man. Only Christ can be the True Priest because is God and He is Man. He is the perfect mediator. A mediator needs to look for the sides of both. Our Lord has the power to take God’s side and also the particular needs of human beings. Therefore Our Lord is the one mediator and one priest and the fullness of His Priesthood was reached at the moment that he offered Himself on the Cross and reconciled God and Man by His eternal sacrifice.

Our Lord wished for this Eternal Sacrifice to be re-enacted by the Holy Mass. Since Our Lord no Longer is on earth in visible Human Form, He willed that there be sharers in His Priesthood in His Church. The human priest is a minister of Christ, a representative of God. Similarly as the servants assist and represent the master or Lord so the priest assists and represents Christ. The priest represents Our Lord in all things he does, for each sacrament, blessing, exorcism and prayer, always through Our Lord. In some cultures the greeting of the faithful for the priest is “Praise be to Jesus Christ.” The sense is “I look upon you as Christ.” I visited Poland about 10 years and was there with Fr. Stehlin and this was common all over. Every time I meet a Polish, they know the greeting and respond. A very beautiful custom. Several I have visited people in the country and they do not receive priests often. Several times very young children when seeing the cassock, they would shout Jesus, Jesus! This is an expression of the very deep reality that the priest represents Our Lord.

The priest is still a man, subjected to faults by no means an angel. It is not in the nature of an angel to be a priest, it is impossible. An angel can not forgive sin or celebrate a Mass. God chose to become a man not an angel. He picks men and still of a fallen nature and Our Lord wishes us to recognize His own Image in the priest. The priest lends his mouth and hands to Christ and it is Our Lord who wants us to love and respect His priesthood out of love and respect for Him. There is an example in the life of St. Francis, when he came across a town where he was preaching with some friars. This was a time of great decadence in the Church, many serious problems with the clergy all over. Some of the faithful came and complained about the local priest who no doubt was a sinner. St. Francis who was a Deacon, not a priest, in order to impress on the minds of the people the sacredness of the priesthood and how to always see Christ and to look past the faults said to the effect, I will gladly always and at every time kiss the hands that have touched the Sacred Body of Christ and that have the ability to forgive me my offenses despite the many offenses that might have been committed with the same hands. This is St. Francis viewing the matter with a deep supernatural reality.

In the Epistle, the priest is also compared to a steward. We can compare the Church to a great manor and the owner is Our Lord. The steward is the priest who represents and watches over the manor. He is not the owner but represents the owner. The priest must make the property of the Lord yield a profit. The most important virtue of the steward is faithfulness to the owner or the master. The priest is the steward of the mysteries of God. The mysteries of God are the dogmas of the faith, the sacraments and the word of God. The responsibility of the priest is the care of souls. The greatest responsibility that a man can undertake. He is responsible for dispensing the Holy Sacraments that will lead the faithful to life everlasting. Please continue to pray for the priests, for those especially entrusted by God for the care of souls and for vocations of future priests future representatives of Christ.




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