聖ピオ十世会 ピーター・フォルティン神父様
私たちの主を、預言者たち、あるいは先駆者である洗者聖ヨハネと比べてみると、洗者聖ヨハネは善き人ではありましたが、私たちの主のように親しみやすい人であったとは言えません。洗者聖ヨハネはたいへん善き人でしたが、私たちの主のように柔和で、優しい人ではありませんでした。私たちの主の柔和さについては、預言者イザヤがこのように書いています。「かれは、折れかけたよしを、折らず、よわいほのおの灯心を消さ[ない。](イザヤ42章3節)」これは人々に対する主の柔和な態度のことを意味しています。主は最も柔和で優しい方です。主はとりわけ苦しむ人々にこの善良さを示されます。「労苦する人、重荷を負う人は、すべて私のもとに来るがよい。私は、あなたたちを休ませよう。私は、心の柔和な、謙遜な者であるから、…ならいなさい。(マテオ11章28-29節)」 私たちの主はなんと美しい柔和な心をもっておられることでしょうか!またなんと近づきやすい御方でしょうか!主は私たちが近づきやすいよう、障害を取り除いて下さいます。また福音の他の箇所では、私たちの主は、失った羊や放蕩息子のたとえ話でご自身の柔和さをお示しになります。姦通の罪を犯して主の足下に立った女性や、十字架上の善き盗賊に示された御憐れみのことが思い浮かびます。他方、主はいかなる霊魂も見放されず、自らの立場を濫用し、律法に正しく従うことをしなかったファイザリ人たちに対してのみ、厳格に対処されました。このことは、私たちが御憐れみと御恵みへの大いなる期待を抱いてゆりかごをご訪問すべき、更なる理由です。天主は情けのない方でも、冷たい方でも、近付き難い方でもありません。むしろ、幼子の形をおとりになった、最も近づきやすい方なのです。
Sermon for Christmas Day Mass
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX
My dear Faithful,
For Christmas, Our Lord comes in the night during darkness and He will shine forth His light, bringing the supernatural light into our lives. During this Christmas Day, we are informed by two things; first, is Our Lord, God and Man and the second is concerning the worthy people who come to the manger.
Concerning first Our Lord, we can compare the waiting Our Lord with the darkness of the night and how Man is waiting for the Redemption in the spiritual darkness and Our Lord is going to come and bring His grace, and He will bring Faith, Hope and Charity. Our Lord is born unto us poor men on earth. The King of Kings will be amongst his subjects. The titles of Our Lord, He is called Wonderful, God, Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come. These are the titles of Our Lord and they will still be applied to Our Lord as a Child.
The church especially wishes to impress on our minds the gentleness and approachability of Our Lord. Seeing a child in such a state is very unsuspecting. Why would God choose to not only become Man, but a seemingly helpless child as well. Why not come as a full grown man from heaven? The answer is because of the goodness and kindness of Our God and savior has appeared. This is true for the time of Our Lord’s Holy Incarnation and all His life. We have only to read about Our Lord in Gospel and we see the fullness of his goodness.
We can compare Our Lord with the prophets or precursor, St. John the Baptist, who was good but it cannot said that he was as approachable as Our Lord. St. John the Baptist was very good but not as gentle and amiable as Our Lord. Our Lord’s gentleness is as Isaias writes “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoking wick he will not quench”. Meaning his kind treatment to His fellow man. The most gentle and meek of all men. Our Lord shows His goodness especially to those who suffer “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will refresh you… Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart.” What beautiful kindness of Our Lord! So approachable! He removes obstacles in order that we me be close to Him. Elsewhere in the Gospel Our Lord shows His gentle nature with the parables of the lost sheep and prodigal son. We can think of the woman taken in adultery at His feet or the mercy to the good thief on the cross. On the other hand, He never sent souls away and was only severe with the pharisees because they abused their position and betrayed the true following of the Law. All the more reason why we should visit the crib with great expectation for mercy and graces. God is not harsh and cold and unapproachable, rather under the form of a Child, He is most approachable.
The next consideration is the characteristics of those who approach Our Lord in the stable. It is astounding that with the learning of the scribes and pharisees at the court of Kind Herod, and the High Priest in Jerusalem, who would know the name of the town and the time that Our Lord would be born are asleep. The circumstances are very unsuspecting. All is quiet in Bethlehem and the greatest miracle to the that point has taken place and almost all are sleeping except for a small group of the most unlikely visitors. The announcement of the Lord’s Birth comes to poor, simple shepherds. This is most astounding, those with learning know not that Our Lord is come. Truly to quote Our Lord, “The poor have the gospel preached to them.” The Father has withheld the treasures from the wise and proud but has revealed them to the poor and humble.
We can imagine these shepherds when the angel announced and the test of faith that they received. The very happy news that the Savior of the World had been born comes to the shepherds and they are put to a test. “You will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a manger.” It as a totally different impression that the scribes and pharisees had for the Messiah. Nevertheless, they proceed in the middle of the night, to a barn and approach the manger in simplicity and with any pride and arrogance.
We should associate ourselves with these shepherds. God wished to reveal Himself to these souls after St. Joseph and Our Lady. By having the same characteristics and qualities of simplicity in faith and humility, we show ourselves to truly men of good will, those desiring Our Lord and His Kingdom.
聖ピオ十世会 ピーター・フォルティン神父様
私たちの主を、預言者たち、あるいは先駆者である洗者聖ヨハネと比べてみると、洗者聖ヨハネは善き人ではありましたが、私たちの主のように親しみやすい人であったとは言えません。洗者聖ヨハネはたいへん善き人でしたが、私たちの主のように柔和で、優しい人ではありませんでした。私たちの主の柔和さについては、預言者イザヤがこのように書いています。「かれは、折れかけたよしを、折らず、よわいほのおの灯心を消さ[ない。](イザヤ42章3節)」これは人々に対する主の柔和な態度のことを意味しています。主は最も柔和で優しい方です。主はとりわけ苦しむ人々にこの善良さを示されます。「労苦する人、重荷を負う人は、すべて私のもとに来るがよい。私は、あなたたちを休ませよう。私は、心の柔和な、謙遜な者であるから、…ならいなさい。(マテオ11章28-29節)」 私たちの主はなんと美しい柔和な心をもっておられることでしょうか!またなんと近づきやすい御方でしょうか!主は私たちが近づきやすいよう、障害を取り除いて下さいます。また福音の他の箇所では、私たちの主は、失った羊や放蕩息子のたとえ話でご自身の柔和さをお示しになります。姦通の罪を犯して主の足下に立った女性や、十字架上の善き盗賊に示された御憐れみのことが思い浮かびます。他方、主はいかなる霊魂も見放されず、自らの立場を濫用し、律法に正しく従うことをしなかったファイザリ人たちに対してのみ、厳格に対処されました。このことは、私たちが御憐れみと御恵みへの大いなる期待を抱いてゆりかごをご訪問すべき、更なる理由です。天主は情けのない方でも、冷たい方でも、近付き難い方でもありません。むしろ、幼子の形をおとりになった、最も近づきやすい方なのです。

Sermon for Christmas Day Mass
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX
My dear Faithful,
For Christmas, Our Lord comes in the night during darkness and He will shine forth His light, bringing the supernatural light into our lives. During this Christmas Day, we are informed by two things; first, is Our Lord, God and Man and the second is concerning the worthy people who come to the manger.
Concerning first Our Lord, we can compare the waiting Our Lord with the darkness of the night and how Man is waiting for the Redemption in the spiritual darkness and Our Lord is going to come and bring His grace, and He will bring Faith, Hope and Charity. Our Lord is born unto us poor men on earth. The King of Kings will be amongst his subjects. The titles of Our Lord, He is called Wonderful, God, Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come. These are the titles of Our Lord and they will still be applied to Our Lord as a Child.
The church especially wishes to impress on our minds the gentleness and approachability of Our Lord. Seeing a child in such a state is very unsuspecting. Why would God choose to not only become Man, but a seemingly helpless child as well. Why not come as a full grown man from heaven? The answer is because of the goodness and kindness of Our God and savior has appeared. This is true for the time of Our Lord’s Holy Incarnation and all His life. We have only to read about Our Lord in Gospel and we see the fullness of his goodness.
We can compare Our Lord with the prophets or precursor, St. John the Baptist, who was good but it cannot said that he was as approachable as Our Lord. St. John the Baptist was very good but not as gentle and amiable as Our Lord. Our Lord’s gentleness is as Isaias writes “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoking wick he will not quench”. Meaning his kind treatment to His fellow man. The most gentle and meek of all men. Our Lord shows His goodness especially to those who suffer “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will refresh you… Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart.” What beautiful kindness of Our Lord! So approachable! He removes obstacles in order that we me be close to Him. Elsewhere in the Gospel Our Lord shows His gentle nature with the parables of the lost sheep and prodigal son. We can think of the woman taken in adultery at His feet or the mercy to the good thief on the cross. On the other hand, He never sent souls away and was only severe with the pharisees because they abused their position and betrayed the true following of the Law. All the more reason why we should visit the crib with great expectation for mercy and graces. God is not harsh and cold and unapproachable, rather under the form of a Child, He is most approachable.
The next consideration is the characteristics of those who approach Our Lord in the stable. It is astounding that with the learning of the scribes and pharisees at the court of Kind Herod, and the High Priest in Jerusalem, who would know the name of the town and the time that Our Lord would be born are asleep. The circumstances are very unsuspecting. All is quiet in Bethlehem and the greatest miracle to the that point has taken place and almost all are sleeping except for a small group of the most unlikely visitors. The announcement of the Lord’s Birth comes to poor, simple shepherds. This is most astounding, those with learning know not that Our Lord is come. Truly to quote Our Lord, “The poor have the gospel preached to them.” The Father has withheld the treasures from the wise and proud but has revealed them to the poor and humble.
We can imagine these shepherds when the angel announced and the test of faith that they received. The very happy news that the Savior of the World had been born comes to the shepherds and they are put to a test. “You will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a manger.” It as a totally different impression that the scribes and pharisees had for the Messiah. Nevertheless, they proceed in the middle of the night, to a barn and approach the manger in simplicity and with any pride and arrogance.
We should associate ourselves with these shepherds. God wished to reveal Himself to these souls after St. Joseph and Our Lady. By having the same characteristics and qualities of simplicity in faith and humility, we show ourselves to truly men of good will, those desiring Our Lord and His Kingdom.