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Announcement on Sunday Mass on April 5, 2020 : Palm Sunday in TOKYO

Announcement on Sunday Mass on April 5, 2020 : Palm Sunday in TOKYO

Ave Maria Immaculata!

Dear Brethren,

I would like to inform you about Palm Sunday Mass in Tokyo.

[some more measures against Coronavirus]
(1) We are told that the coronavirus epidemic is at risk of overshooting in Japan. The number of infected cases is increasing every day, especially in Tokyo and Osaka area, We, the SSPX Japan, have taken already several measures to prevent Coronavirus Disease, such as avoiding "three C's": Closed spaces, Crowded conditions, Clos-contact.

The risk of occurrence of clusters is particularly high when the “Three C's” overlap.
1.Closed spaces with insufficient ventilation
2.Crowded conditions with people
3.Conversations in short distance

[Two (2) Sunday Masses will be offered in TOKYO]
(2) In addition to our existing measures, we would like to implement stronger policy.
In order to reduce the number of Mass attendance at a time, (that is to avoid crowded conditions and to secure the social distancing), we will have two Masses on Sunday in Tokyo. Thank you for your kind understanding of this sudden change of Mass time.

08:30 AM: Blessing and distribution of branches, & Holy Sacrifice of Mass
11:00 AM: Distribution of branches, & Holy Sacrifice of Mass

[In Tokyo, we will further reduce the time to meet together]
(3) In addition to the above, with regret and resignation, we will make individually preparatory prayers before the Mass (i.e. Holy Rosary) and community thanksgiving prayers after the Mass, in a silent way.

[Minimize socialization at the Mass Center]
(4) Of course, on Sundays, priest will be available for the Sacrament of Penance before each Mass. Those who wish to have this sacrament please come before Mass as usual. When the first mass is over the confessor will be available again before the second mass begins.
However, in order to minimize socializing with people at Mass Center, brethren who do not intend to make confession are invited to arrive at Mass Center 10 to 15 minutes before the Mass time or to just pray and stay in silence inside the Mass Center.

[Continue with previous measures]
(5) Let us continue to keep our various strategies against Coronavirus.
In Tokyo as well as in Osaka, especially during masses, only altar servers and the choir will answer. Our dearest Faithful are requested to pray in silence.

Normally, there should be a sermon for the Sunday Mass. However,there will be no preaching in Tokyo and in Osaka on the coming Sunday, This is to reduce the duration of the Mass. I would appreciate your kind understanding.

[Live broadcasting of the Tokyo Mass: starting at 8:30 am]
(6) For those who are currently unable to attend Mass for various reasons or for whom priests are unable to visit to offer Mass, such as faithful in Korea, the Mass at 8:30 will be broadcast live through Facebook Live function.

08:30 Mass [Live-stream broadcast]
11:00 Mass (No broadcasting)

The web page that will have Facebook Live is the following:

Live stream of Holy Sacrifice of Mass by the Society of St. Pius X
Mass starts at 8:30 am in Tokyo on Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!

Star of Heavens (Stella Caeli)! Pray for us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary! Pray for us!
St. Joseph! Pray for us!
St. Pius X! Pray for us!
Holy Martyrs in Japan! Pray for us!

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